Winter is the favorite season for many people. This animated wallpaper and screensaver combo lets you have a winter image in your desktop regardless of the actual season of the year. It shows snowflakes falling from above and covering your desktop's wallpaper. If you use the screensaver function, you can choose among 10 different background images. Also, you can shuffle them so the image will change according to a preset amount of time, which can go from one minute to one hour.
You can customize the program by choosing the brightness of the background image and the density and brightness of the snowflakes.
Although it is a nice screensaver, it can be boring after a while. Also, being an animated program, it uses a significant amount of resources, so you need a decent computer to run it adequately. Also, there are many free or ad-based animated wallpapers on the Internet, so it may not be worth the expense.
The trial version of the program shows the "TRIAL VERSION" phrase after a while, as well as a "nag screen" reminding you to purchase the full version. If you want to get rid of these limitations, then you will need to purchase a license, which is rather affordable.